

CAMFED 2022 highlights

CAMFED 2022 highlights

Here's what we achieved together in 2022. Thank you for being part of our movement!

We are CAMFED - Video Transcript

The inspiring women in this film are all part of the Campaign for Female Education’s unique alumnae network, CAMA. Supported to get an education, they are now working together to help the next generation of girls to go to school.

Thank you to our generous recent donors

Together we are breaking the cycle of poverty


ahmad knight $3.5

John Lewis £120

Michael Boreham £26.2

Michael Boreham £7.5

Danielle Kraaijvanger $37.1

Patricia Ingram $106

JoAnn Jacobs $52.9

Stephanie Gonzales £7.5

Stephanie Gonzales £10.6

Susanna Tarjan $21.4