Sign the Pledge

Now at 388,632 | Our goal: 1,000,000 signatures

Global Sisterhood Pledge

  • I pledge to help raise up the next generation of girls to know that their potential is not limited by their gender.
  • I pledge to have more confidence in myself – for my own advancement – and to be a role model for other women and girls.
  • I pledge to encourage other women to use their voice, and let them know they have potential to effect change, and that they have my support.
  • I pledge to value diversity in all situations, and listen with an open mind to women with different values, beliefs, practices and cultures than my own.
  • I pledge to advance women in any and all careers so that they can live up to their full potential and live independent, fulfilling lives.
  • I pledge my voice and my actions to help advance the education of girls worldwide, until ALL girls have equal access to education.
  • I pledge to stand united with ALL women and girls who are stepping into leadership roles that help their local or global community, as well as strive to be a role model for others by leading positive change where I can.


Most Recent Signers

Erica M | 16 Minutes ago

Beckey W | 21 Minutes ago

Renee B | 24 Minutes ago

Sherene D | 1 Hour ago

Gail B | 1 Hour ago

Katie J | 1 Hour ago

Marcia M | 1 Hour ago

Marcella M | 2 Hours ago

Sharolyn S | 2 Hours ago

Tiffany R | 3 Hours ago

Roxanna P | 3 Hours ago

Lisa B | 3 Hours ago

Southwell C | 3 Hours ago

BEVERLYN S | 3 Hours ago

Cynthia K | 4 Hours ago

Hi, I’m Angie Murimirwa, and this is how it all started 30 years ago…

Angeline Murimirwa, Executive Director – Africa

I was one of the first young women to receive support from CAMFED (the Campaign for Female Education) to go to school, and today, I am the CEO of that very same organization. And as a founding member of the CAMFED Association— the powerful pan-African sisterhood of women leaders educated with CAMFED support – I’m so proud of our locally-rooted movement. Together with our communities, and with the support of people like you, we get girls into school, help them to succeed, and unlock their power to lead.  It’s how we can break the cycles of poverty, gender inequality and child marriage for good.

We’re thrilled to take what we’ve learned over the years, and share it with you, and our partners around the world.

While you may not face all the challenges we do, we can all be certain that when girls and women are educated, and lift up other women as they rise, everything changes.

CAMFED has already ensured that over 7.2 million children in some of Africa’s most disadvantaged communities attend school – helping girls side-step the dangers that come from child marriage and childbirth, and instead rise up as leaders in their communities, tackling everything from hunger to inequality to climate change. 

Our sisterhood works, and keeps growing as more young women join us. This is my inspiration, every day! We are grateful for the opportunity to welcome you in, learn from each other, and share stories about the ripple effect of educating one girl, who then educates many more.

Pamoja Tunaweza! (That’s Swahili for “Together We Can!”),


By signing this Pledge, you will...


Stand with a powerful, growing group…

of women and supporters, committed to lifting each other up, and supporting more vulnerable girls to succeed


Hear from young African women…

who are living out the pledge and have transformed their futures


Help us reach our goal of 1 million signatures…

building a movement to create the change this world so desperately needs

“If we care about climate change, if we care about poverty, if we care about maternal-child health, then we have to care about education.”

How Girls' Education Addresses Global Challenges

Girls’ education has the power to tackle the world’s most pressing challenges – and CAMFED has a revolutionary model for delivering on this promise.

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    Reduces Gender-Based Violence: Education increases women’s confidence, knowledge, networks, income potential, and control over their own bodies.

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    Combats Global Climate Change: Educated girls can make choices that reduce carbon emissions, and become leaders in sustainable business, climate-smart agriculture and policy.

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    Reduces the Gender Poverty Gap: Women who finish secondary school will earn 2x as much as those who never enter a classroom and will be 5x less likely to marry as children.

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    Advances Human Rights: Greater gender equality leads to more just, stable, equitable and productive societies that protect human rights and invest in health and education.

“I was so struck by everything that you do and obviously the impact that it has on so many young women and girls in ensuring they have the education that they so rightly deserve.”
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About CAMFED, the organization behind The Global Sisterhood

In a world marked by injustices, inequalities, and looming threats to our collective future, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. From global warming to food insecurity, and violence against women to social injustices, these challenges can appear insurmountable.

But it’s inspiring to know that by helping to educate some of the most vulnerable girls in Africa, we can make a difference. This doesn’t just help solve these problems; it also helps young women become leaders who are determined to ‘be the change.’ Now, more than ever, we rely on the knowledge and passion of these dedicated advocates who support girls’ education and women’s empowerment, helping them transition to secure and better lives.

This is where CAMFED, the Campaign for Female Education, shines. Established in 1993, CAMFED emerged from the conviction of a small group of individuals who recognized the transformative power of young women as leaders capable of bringing about positive change. Together, we can shape a brighter and more hopeful future.

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