
Video: Women Who Lead - Nimatu Siisu

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Driven by empathy and the desire to plow back the benefits of their education into their communities, the CAMFED Association‘s (CAMA’s) young women leaders see the world through a lens of opportunity – the opportunity to facilitate sustainable change by breaking down the barriers that keep too many girls out of school. One such woman is Nimatu Siisu from the North Gonja District in Ghana. Supported by CAMFED to complete her education, Nimatu is now an inspirational leader and philanthropist in the CAMFED Association. She has set up a foundation to help children stay in school, and, through her Changemakers Girls’ Club, mentors 60 girls at the only Senior High School in her district.

Read Nimatu’s blog: Leadership is not about what you have, but it is about your ability to put a smile on someone’s face

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Sherry Thompsen $50

Joan and Scott Barker $526

dilhara anbil $7000

Kristin Nylen $158

Michael Glanz $150

JOyce Feeney $150

Vanessa Dauterive $26.6

Aran MacKinnon $106

Lyndon Hepner $52.9

Ron and Mary Freytag $106

Tamar Gubins $200

Tracy Clark $14

Rebecca Boyd Whittico $263

Mareka Belcher $5.6

Natalie Wexler $1052