
What will you do for girls’ education?

Whether you hold an event at school or work, take to the streets to run a marathon or fundraise with friends, there are lots of ways to get involved.

As well as paying school fees and other essentials, such as uniforms, books, and sanitary protection, your funds help beyond the classroom, supporting young graduates with the training and resources they need to become economically independent leaders in their communities.

To speak to someone about fundraising please contact us using these details.

Cycling is much faster and safer for girls who have to travel large distance to school



Fundraise for our One Million School Days Appeal

Just 67p can keep a girl in school for one day!

Become a School Days Advocate and see how many days of school you can fundraise for. Your supporters could pay for everything a girl needs to learn and thrive whilst at school for a day. Invest in school days, break the cycle of poverty.

Get set up on

Why girls' education

  • 279K

    The CAMFED Association - our powerful network of women leaders educated with CAMFED support - is 278,959 strong and counting

  • 90%

    Educated women will reinvest 90% of their earnings back into their families, compared with 35% for men. They'll invest in their children's education and support their studies.

    Clinton Global Initiative

  • 2X

    Women with a secondary school education will earn twice as much, on average, as women without an education. Lack of girls' secondary education costs countries between $15 and $30 trillion in lost lifetime productivity and earnings.

    World Bank (2018)

  • 150M

    If women farmers had the same access to resources as men, the number of hungry people in the world could be reduced by up to 150 million due to productivity gains.

    Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO (2016)

What does CAMFED do?

We get girls into school, help them to learn, support them to succeed, and unlock their power to lead.
CAMFED serves girls and young women in the most disadvantaged communities in rural Africa, tackling the pressing and interlinked challenges of poverty and gender that limit their education and opportunity. Graduates join the CAMFED Association, our sisterhood of leaders educated with CAMFED support. Together, we provide the financial and social support girls need to learn, thrive and lead. And each member of the Association goes on to financially support at least 3 more girls through school – that’s our powerful Multiplier Effect.

For every girl you help to go to school, 3 more will follow


Multiplier effect

For every girl who receives support to go to school, three more will follow, and countless more will benefit.

Every graduate who joins our leadership network, on average, supports at least another three girls in turn. And she’ll go on to mentor and pass on her skills to many more, creating employment and opportunity, tackling inequality and injustice.

This is what we call the Multiplier Effect – the impact a girl’s education has on others’ lives, and on the health, wealth and equality of our world.

Find out more about the multiplier effect

Fundraising ideas to get you started


Host a film screening

Tunainuana (Together we Rise) is an inspiring 12-minute film. It’s a message of love, hope and solidarity, that centers lived experience and community, and explores the power of female education to transform our world.

Thank you to our generous recent donors

Together we are breaking the cycle of poverty


Shelley Young $5.6

Dr. Andrea Mckie $13

Barbara Wright $13

steve portanova $5

Mike Beech £100

Paige Spaulding $13

Maureen McCabe $13

Leah Heino $13

Lora Phillips $21.4

Kaina Walker $10.9

Sally Hadley $3

Charutha Krishnan £50

Oliver Lewis £10.6

Desiree Champagne $10.9

Amanda Piccarreto $3.5