
Video: Hi, I'm Vayant, an aspiring Economist from Ghana

Education my power!

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“I would like to help solve issues relating to my economy, to aid development in my country. Through this, I can empower young women to be confident and take up leadership roles in their schools and societies.”

Meet the gamechangers of tomorrow



Day of the Girl 2022: #EducationMyPower

If you’re reading this, you’re part of our global movement. This October 11th, 2022, join us across our digital channels (@CAMFED) with the hashtag #EducationMyPower to celebrate the 10th anniversary of International Day of the Girl (IDG).



Video: Hi, I’m Noreen, an aspiring Business Analyst from Zimbabwe

I'm Noreen, a secondary student from Zimbabwe. Through education, I gained knowledge, I got confidence and all my barriers to opportunity broke down. Education my power!

Thank you to our generous recent donors

Together we are breaking the cycle of poverty


Dalton Jordan $211

Fred Williams $30

Nadine Gills-Ward $10.9

Kathaleen Grant $16.1

Emily Moffett $52.9

Karen Richman $3

Norma Pageau $5.6

Walter Bruckner $26.6

Jeanne Bowden $5.6

Heather Sather $27.7

Linda Compton $5.6

Michelle Hunton $5.6

Michelle Cintron $5.6

Jennifer Wang $16.2

Robert Murray $31.7