
Thank you!

A member of our team will be in touch shortly with more information and next steps.

Don’t stop here, there is so much more to see!

Hear from girls and young women across Africa. Our stories show the transformational power of education - we're writing a new future for ourselves, our communities and our nations. THIS is what your support is unlocking.


Join in

View a list of upcoming events about girls’ education, women’s leadership and climate action with CAMFED leaders, or catch up on past events.


Meet our leaders

In classrooms across Africa, stories are being re-written and futures rescued by girls anxious to learn, and our sisterhood of young women, ready to lead.


Films to inspire you

These films are here to engage, inform, and inspire. If you enjoy them, please share them. You are part of our movement for girls’ education.

Thank you to our generous recent donors

Together we are breaking the cycle of poverty


Pamela Edwards $13

Tanya Canier $5.6

Mahek Tulsiani $16.1

Henry Delorey $31.9

Alexis Hacker $25

Kathleen Benedict $13

Sarah Daniels $5

Zoe Landers $26.6

Doinita Necoara $5.6

Catherine Griffith $52.9

Karin Bjornson $21.5

Sandra Graves $5.6

Angela Cloutier $15

Jill Davis $20

John Lister $21.4