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Video: Every Girl Counts – Desderia’s story

On International Day of the Girl, we celebrate the incredible courage and determination of millions of girls from vulnerable backgrounds, who, like Desderia, will do…


FilmCAMFED Association (CAMA)Ghana

Video: Women Who Lead – Hawa Tambo

The first girl in her community to complete secondary school, Hawa is a leading member of the CAMFED Association (CAMA). Two years ago she was…


BlogPublicationsMultiple countries

Election season again — How our leaders can look to Africa for inspiration

With election season proceeding in Europe, Fiona Mavhinga - Executive Advisor for the CAMFED Association - reflects on what makes a good leader, arguing that…


NewsCAMFED Association (CAMA)Ghana

Changing the face of leadership in Africa

As election season reaches fever pitch across Europe and electorates debate the qualities of effective political leadership, we shine a light on young women leaders…


FilmCAMFED Association (CAMA)Ghana

Video: Women Who Lead – Nimatu Siisu

Driven by empathy and the desire to plow back the benefits of their education into their communities, the CAMFED Association's (CAMA's) young women leaders see…


NewsCAMFED Association (CAMA)Ghana

We cannot afford to fail this generation of girls

May was an extremely busy month for CAMFED Ghana. 5,733 secondary school leavers were inducted into the CAMA alumnae network, and we launched a Transitions…


NewsCAMFED Association (CAMA)Tanzania

E-readers boost girls’ education in Tanzania

It’s a winning combination: the lived experience of young women graduates in CAMFED’s CAMA alumnae network paired with e-reader technology, which brings thousands of books…


NewsCAMFED Association (CAMA)Multiple countries

Building Trust in Girls’ Education

In her interview with Jihii Jolly from News Deeply Women and Girls, Angeline Murimirwa, CAMFED’s Regional Executive Director for Eastern and Southern Africa (and one…


StoryCAMFED Association (CAMA)Ghana


Born and raised in rural Karaga District, Afishetu didn’t start school until she was 15. Instead, she spent her days moving from village to village,…




When she was 14, Sukuratu’s mother moved away to find work, and in the low periods between seasonal farm work, her father struggled to make…


NewsCAMFED Association (CAMA)Multiple countries

We need global action on girls’ education — and here’s what works

It’s Global Action Week on Education, and today’s letter from the UK’s International Development Committee (IDC) to the Secretary of State for International Development couldn’t…


BlogLearner GuidesMultiple countries

We need global action on girls’ education — and here’s what works

In light of Global Action Week for Education, a time when members of the public across the world come together to take targeted action for…

Thank you to our generous recent donors

Together we are breaking the cycle of poverty


Laura Starr $52.9

Aaron Baggs $10

Mary Hattick $31.9


Patricia Komesz $30

Lou Lombardi $526

Ursula Scheffel $26.6

Geoffrey Ghose $12

Barbara Almond £208

Enrique Loy $235

Katherine Baxter $19.3

Martha Garcia $5.6

Hannah Parker £520

Catherine Appiah $5.6

Bonnie Riggins $10.9