
A new series currently being aired on Kenyan television is bringing CAMFED’s My Better World curriculum to a large new audience.

The life skills and wellbeing workbook, developed together with young women in Africa, has been adapted by Impact(Ed) International (formerly the Discovery Learning Alliance) into an engaging, part-animated video series aimed at adolescents. It reflects the content being delivered by CAMFED Learner Guides, helping students to navigate challenges, build confidence, set goals, and learn how to achieve them.

It’s so exciting to see this curriculum, developed by CAMFED and our alumnae in CAMA just a few years ago, launch in a new country, in a new format, with the potential to reach millions across the continent.

Angeline Murimirwa, founding CAMFED Association (CAMA) member and now CAMFED Executive Director – Africa

The new series follows the adventures of six African teenagers as they face scenarios and make decisions relating to their education, family relationships and friendships. Their stories are interspersed with real stories, including of girls we currently support, like Philomena and Deborah from rural Tanzania, who serve as an inspiration to all of us in the love and support they have for each other.

Their story, and the My Better World series more broadly, highlights the power of peer support – something that lies at the heart of CAMFED’s work to support girls and young women to overcome the obstacles they face. 

Watch the My Better World television series on YouTube.

Meet Deborah and Philomena, two friends from Tanzania, who help each other succeed in school.

Thank you to our generous recent donors

Together we are breaking the cycle of poverty


Candace Carlisle $526

Joshua Ardizzoni $37.1

Jeffrey Roth $150

Luke McKetta $52.9

Andrew Bartels $158

Lee Lichter $1052


Deborah Kamins $158

Maurice Elias $57.1

glen and lois mumey $263

Stacey Sern $106

Brant Liebmann $100

Julia Armstrong $300

Lynne Jaskulek $158

Eric Wilson $158