
Video: Melody, Secondary Student, Zambia

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Melody grew up in rural Zambia with her parents and three siblings. When just three years old, Melody’s father died. With four children to take care of and no stable source of income, Melody’s mother struggled to provide for the family. Often, she simply couldn’t afford to buy Melody basic items like sanitary pads or books for school.

*Melody’s name has been changed to protect her identity.

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Dalton Jordan $211

Fred Williams $30

Nadine Gills-Ward $10.9

Kathaleen Grant $16.1

Emily Moffett $52.9

Karen Richman $3

Norma Pageau $5.6

Walter Bruckner $26.6

Jeanne Bowden $5.6

Heather Sather $27.7

Linda Compton $5.6

Michelle Hunton $5.6

Michelle Cintron $5.6

Jennifer Wang $16.2

Robert Murray $31.7