
CAMFED Tanzania provides laptops for 287 nursing and midwifery students

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CAMFED Tanzania has distributed laptops to 287 future health workers in the CAMFED Association of women leaders.

The nursing and midwifery students traveled from 20 different colleges for a handover ceremony with guest of honor Prof. Abel Makubi, the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Health, in Dar es Salaam.

Disadvantaged young women in higher education face many challenges—including the cost of food, essentials, and safe accommodation—so CAMFED steps in with both practical and social support.


Partnering to support Tanzania’s future health workers

“I would like to congratulate CAMFED for this support. It is a result of our partnership resolutions that we should work to improve learning conditions for girls [and young women] taking science subjects.” – Prof. Abel Makubi, the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Health (pictured center)

“CAMFED supports girls from secondary to university level. We have provided the laptops in support of the government’s efforts to ensure more girls [opt] for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects.”Nasikiwa Duke, National Director, CAMFED Tanzania (pictured right)

Read the article on The Guardian

Meet some of our current and future health workers

With their education secured, these young women are determined to provide vital health expertise in their communities.




“In my future life, I want to be a nurse because I want to treat sick people… I want to advise my fellow girls in the world that you must have education because, if you have education, you can protect yourself wherever you are.”




Ottilia is a CAMFED Association Learner Guide in rural Zimbabwe, and a qualified Nurse Aide who volunteers at her local clinic. During the coronavirus crisis, she worked with community members to install tippy taps for hygienic handwashing in rural homesteads.




Fatima is a professional nurse in Ghana. As an active CAMFED Association member, she often coordinates talks, marches and media appearances in her efforts to end child marriage and other violations of women’s and girls’ rights.

Thank you to our generous recent donors

Together we are breaking the cycle of poverty


Henry Delorey $31.9

Alexis Hacker $25

Kathleen Benedict $13

Sarah Daniels $5

Zoe Landers $26.6

Doinita Necoara $5.6

Catherine Griffith $52.9

Karin Bjornson $21.5

Sandra Graves $5.6

Angela Cloutier $15

Jill Davis $20

John Lister $21.4

Jerrilee Muegge $5

Tiffanie Castleberry $13

Kelli-Jo S Kipp $5.6