Support girls’ education across Africa in easy, cost-effective ways
When she thrives, we all thrive
Together this giving season, we can make a difference that ripples outward to benefit everyone.
Support girls’ education across Africa in easy, cost-effective ways
You can now give to CAMFED from your Donor Advised Fund account in just 3 clicks directly on our website. This includes Fidelity, Schwab, Vanguard and hundreds of other DAF providers powered by Chariot.
Click the “Give with Donor Advised Fund” button below to get started.
You have the power to open up doors for girls to learn, thrive and lead change in just a few seconds. Initiating your gift on this page is the fastest and easiest way for you to give.
Grants made to CAMFED USA through Donor Advised Funds can be designated for CAMFED to use wherever the need is greatest or aligned with thematic areas that match our supporters’ interest.
When making a gift from your donor advised fund, will you assist our staff by letting us know who you are? Anonymous gifts may be less helpful because they often cannot be acknowledged or used in giving calculations.
CAMFED USA Foundation’s tax I.D. number is 54-2033897.
Christine Bunyan $42.4
Julie Watts $600
Stephanie Pennington $52.9
Cy Blanco $47.6
Much Ridley $13
Jim Reichardt $158
George Kuehn $106
Amit Roy £12.7
Laurel Harper $68.7
John Zanini $316
Eliza Reedy $150
Mila Visser 't Hooft $300
Carole Merl $38.2
john hemery £26.2
Ronnie Kolodziej $28.7