
This discussion explores what it takes to embed the perspective and experience of adolescent girls in rural Africa into the global understanding of how we measure what works in girls’ education.

This conversation took place on 12 June 2024 to an audience of CAMFED supporters. It features Monitoring and Evaluation Officer for CAMFED Zimbabwe, Wanzirayi Meke, and District Programmes Coordinator for CAMFED Malawi, Babra Saizi in conversation with Chief Impact Officer, Catherine Boyce and Head of Fundraising Operations, Caughlin Ryder from CAMFED International.

Thank you to our generous recent donors

Together we are breaking the cycle of poverty


Donald Bartlett $211

Sherrie Albrecht $211

Jefferson Osborn $106

Jade Laine $52.4

Miguel Armijo $31.9

Beth Ryer $316

Justin Teague $211

Linda Siperstein $150

Alan Smith $100

Stephen Kevan $2500

mae cirrito $100

Paul Schwartz $158

Jefferson Osborn $158

Anthony Brooks £50

Gary Althoff $100