
Day of the Girl 2018: Belawu & Issah

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Across sub-Saharan Africa, CAMFED Association members support more girls to go to school, succeed and lead. Belawu, who lives in rural Ghana, was forced by poverty to drop out of school. CAMFED Association member Issah understood her struggle from personal experience and rallied the support of her fellow CAMFED Association members to buy the items Belawu needed to return to school. Belawu now has a supportive sisterhood in the CAMFED Association.

Thank you to our generous recent donors

Together we are breaking the cycle of poverty


Laura Saunders £78.1

Erin Birmingham $58.2

Helen Harvey £26.2

Deborh Case $500

Aimee Miller $158

Lucinda Morrisey $158

Emily Reardon $1052

susan. J Feingold $26.6

Jacqueline Davis $158

Susan Strome $4000

Angela Thompson £80

Paul George $158

Benjamin Woodbridge $400

Jacquelyn Sullivan $1262

Lenore Denise Williams $3000