
CAMFED Annual Review 2023

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This year 824,143 girls received economic support to go to primary and secondary school, with many more young people benefiting from mentoring and skills training

CAMFED’s 2023 Annual Review looks back on a year of collective action for girls, young women, and entire generations.

In 2023 CAMFED supported hundreds of thousands of girls and young women across Ghana, Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe to thrive in school and transition into secure livelihoods and positions of leadership. 824,143 girls received economic support at primary and secondary level alone, with many more students (boys and girls) receiving social, mentoring, skills and post-secondary school support. We are working together with Ministries of Education to integrate aspects of our model into national education systems, so that they can better meet the needs of vulnerable children.

Thank you to everyone in CAMFED’s global movement who is committed to securing every child’s right to quality education, and to a future filled with opportunity.

By applying your influence, energy, expertise and generosity you’re building a launch pad for the most vulnerable girls and young women to create the future they imagine — for themselves, for their communities, and for Africa.



Our reach and impact in 2023:

Our impact is driven by the commitment and expertise of young women leaders in the CAMFED Association, of teachers, parents and local leaders, and of our dedicated partners and supporters. In April 2023, we were excited to be selected by the Audacious Project, housed at TED, as one of the biggest, boldest solutions to the world’s most urgent challenges. That year:

  • The CAMFED Association grew to a membership of 278,959 young women, of whom 59,538 sit on decision-making bodies. The Association, which celebrated its 25th anniversary, powers our initiatives to support young women on their pathways after school, and drives the Multiplier Effect that supports more girls to go to school: CAMFED graduates in the Association supported nearly 800,000 girls and boys in school and another 90,000 young people in further education.
  • Nearly 110,000 students (including nearly 99,000 girls) were supported in school by donor funds, and more than 3,300 in tertiary or further education.
  • CAMFED Champions in the community (parents, teachers, local leaders) financially supported more than 280,000 girls and boys in school and more than 24,000 young people in further education. 

CAMFED Association members serving as Learner Guides and Transition Guides mentor girls in their local schools, and provide skills training to recent graduates, supporting them into lives of independence and influence. As trained Business Guides and Climate-smart Agriculture Guides they are supporting a new generation of entrepreneurs, unlocking women’s economic power, while simultaneously tackling pressing issues like food insecurity and climate change. 

Read our 2023 Annual Review
To date, I have provided menstrual products and educational support to 420 students. There’s one student in particular, from a nearby community, who I am currently taking care of. She used to fetch water for people to save money for school. Once I identified her, I supported her to go to school and made her a uniform. Now, she comes to me whenever she needs food, books, pencils, or other educational materials.
Portia, CAMFED Association member, teacher and Learner Guide, Ghana

Expanding the reach of Learner Guides - peer mentors and life skills trainers

Last year we deepened our work with governments to integrate the Learner Guide program into national education systems through new partnerships and funding, laying the foundations for significant expansion of the Learner Guide role in primary and secondary schools.

  • During 2023, 15,336 Learner Guides reached 1.1 million students across 6,576 schools with weekly support.

Their work is now supported by a user-designed digital platform launched this year, offering quick access to resources and peer support. CAMFED has also established strong research and technical partnerships to understand and continue to strengthen our organizational impact, including work to explore how the Learner Guide program can help challenge and change gender and cultural norms in communities, and to understand the social return on investment of our post secondary school support to young women. 

Girls' education is so very vital. I come from a very poor background. Now, I am independent because of education and able to help others in my community. So educating a girl is like educating the whole world.
Adina, Learner Guide and primary school teacher, Malawi

Building climate resilience with a focus on climate justice

The girls, young women and communities CAMFED serves are on the front line of the climate crisis, and our climate-related work is central to our strategy.

  • CAMFED Association Agriculture Guides, trained experts in climate-smart agriculture, supported 7,775 young women to develop and increase the resilience of their businesses in 2023.

In partnership with Ministries of Education in Zambia and Zimbabwe, CAMFED also launched a new in-school climate education program co-designed with young people.

More news from CAMFED

Watch videos, listen to podcasts and read the stories that bring our model to life

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Associated Press features CAMFED’s climate leaders in Zambia

Discover the stories of young Zambian women ensuring that all children — including those living with disabilities — can learn and thrive in a changing world.



25 years of young women’s leadership for girls’ education

What started with 32 girls has become more than a quarter of a million education leaders in the CAMFED Association across Africa, gearing up to deliver our vision for 2030.


A podcast about the "why" that drives us

June 2023

In her conversation with Rod Berger PsyD, CAMFED’s CEO Angie Murimirwa describes why dismantling barriers to girls’ education, alongside their communities, is her life’s work: “It’s saying to a child: I see you, I hear you, you deserve to be among your peers. That’s the power of opportunity in education.”



Our sisters in STEM leading transformation across Africa

This International Day of Women and Girls in Science, February 11, we're celebrating members of our CAMFED Association of women leaders in typically male-dominated STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) fields, who are driving forward solutions to some of their communities'—and the world's—most pressing challenges.



Video: Angeline (Angie) Murimirwa’s TED Talk 2023

Angeline (Angie) Murimirwa, CEO of CAMFED, helped found our sisterhood of leaders for girls’ education – the CAMFED Association – 25 years ago. Watch her TED Talk to see the world through the eyes of a girl in rural Africa, find out why school is not enough, and experience the difference that a ‘Big Sister’ can make.



CAMFED launches vision for 2030

CAMFED has launched its Vision for 2030 - an ambitious plan to help meet the global Sustainable Development Goals by supporting millions more girls in rural Africa to access and complete secondary school, graduate into secure livelihoods and leadership, and in turn mentor and support the next generation through school, in a model set to transform education systems across Africa.




I know how it feels to be excluded and underestimated due to my background and gender. Now, I’m changing the status quo for other girls and women.

Shamsa-Mkurungo-207848-CAMA-Summit-Bagamoyo-TZ-Dec-2023_Kumi Media-DSC00259


Video: I’m Shamsa. Count me in to create youth employment!

Because I'm educated, now I'm included in developing sustainable ways to help or to empower youth economy. If you want to create employment for youth, please count me in!

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Esnart: CAMFED’s support revealed my potential and helped me succeed in school

With CAMFED’s support, I completed secondary school, and now I’m on track to achieve my goal of becoming an independent woman.

Thank you to our generous recent donors

Together we are breaking the cycle of poverty


Jeremy Blain £57.4

Geoffrey Acaye £47

Sara Mikael $106

Denae Whaley $20

David C Murray $3783

Trenay Hoye $10.9

Caroline Fenton £100

Victor Mesny $500

Niko Gomes $316

Katja Guenther $263

Ryan Gallagher $526

Catherine Packer $316

Caitlin Guthinger $526

Julia Colingsworth $14

Phuc Tran $350