
On a recent trip to the United Kingdom, Sinikiwe Makove, Women Empowerment Manager at CAMFED Zimbabwe, had the opportunity to describe the impact CAMFED’s partnership with its young women alumnae is having in Zimbabwe.

She shared her experience in a radio podcast, and has just released a blog.

Sinikiwe supports a grassroots movement of over 25,000 young women alumnae, 3,165 Mother Support Groups and more than 1,730 female Teacher Mentors, all committed to helping children go to school, stay in school and succeed in order to turn the tide of poverty.

She is especially proud of her work with graduates in the CAMA network, and their transition to entrepreneurship. Sinikiwe connects young women to the training and resources they need to start and run successful rural businesses, create their own supply chains, and lean on each other to address the challenges they face. In the process they are changing the mindset of their communities – including of their fathers and husbands.

Read Sinikiwe Makove’s blog:‘These young women remain, and deal with the challenges in their communities’

Listen to Sinikiwe being interviewed on Cambridge 105 radio

Get involved

Camfed alumna Lindiwe produces 2,000 two-litre bottles of juice a month

CAMA member and Learner Guide Lindiwe started her drinks business in her mother’s kitchen. Sinikiwe helped her to register her business with the government. Now she supplies locals and big supermarkets.


Thank you to our generous recent donors

Together we are breaking the cycle of poverty


Deborh Case $500

Aimee Miller $158

Lucinda Morrisey $158

Emily Reardon $1052

susan. J Feingold $26.6

Jacqueline Davis $158

Susan Strome $4000

Angela Thompson £80

Paul George $158

Benjamin Woodbridge $400

Jacquelyn Sullivan $1262

Lenore Denise Williams $3000

Jill Pask £124.9

Karen Mura $150

Tracy Melin $263