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Girl Student Dear 25 year old me,
Girl Student I hope you are looking after yourself.
Girl Student I hope you are free.
Girl Student I hope you graduated
Girl Student from secondary school,
Girl Student from you dream college.
Girl Student I hope that you learned that college was not all about education, but about finding yourself.
Girl Student Dear 25 year old me,
Girl Student I hope you are changing lives
Girl Student and saving them too.
Girl Student I hope you are a film maker,
Girl Student a tattoo artist
Girl Student a business leader
Girl Student I hope you are a cardiologist
Girl Student the best optician in Uganda
Girl Student I want you to know you can achieve anything
Girl Student I hope they stop asking about your marriage and instead about your dreams.
Girl Student I hope you have the freedom to be the better version of yourself.
Girl Student Dear 25 year old me,
Girl Student I hope you’re exactly where you want to be.
Michelle Obama When girls get the education they deserve, our world gets better. Let’s work together to empower every girl. Let’s get her there.
Margaret Monaghan $10.9
Helen Lea $157
Julia Thompson $100
Joan Goldfeder $211
Bonnie Riggins $10.9
Michael Higgins $13
Cheryl Johnson $5.6
Amy Casciano $10.9
Valerie Turner £40
joyce Davidson $16.1
Markus Rockström €37.2
Chiara Starvaggi Cucuzza €37.2
Bonnie Hollrah $52.9
Karen Thomas $158