
At the 3rd Annual International Quality Education Conference (IQEC) hosted by the Tanzania Education Network (TenMeT), of which CAMFED is a longstanding member, our Executive Director for Learning and Engagement, Lydia Wilbard, will join a panel discussion about addressing early marriage and teen pregnancy. Lydia will speak alongside education specialists from Zimbabwe and the World Bank. In this video, she reflects on the impact of last year’s conference and shares her thoughts about what to expect this year, and whose voices and leadership should be at the fore. Several CAMFED Association members are joining her for the 3-day conference, including the Association’s national chair Shamsa Mkurungo, vice national chair Maua Omary and national secretary Sandra Malopola.

Thank you to our generous recent donors

Together we are breaking the cycle of poverty


Dalton Jordan $211

Fred Williams $30

Nadine Gills-Ward $10.9

Kathaleen Grant $16.1

Emily Moffett $52.9

Karen Richman $3

Norma Pageau $5.6

Walter Bruckner $26.6

Jeanne Bowden $5.6

Heather Sather $27.7

Linda Compton $5.6

Michelle Hunton $5.6

Michelle Cintron $5.6

Jennifer Wang $16.2

Robert Murray $31.7