
A thank you from Angie Murimirwa

CAMFED Executive Director – Africa


Read more inspirational stories

Check out more inspirational stories of CAMFED-supported girls and CAMFED Association members



From school student to confident business woman: How I turned my love for baking into a thriving business

I’m passionate about supporting other young women to succeed and have trained 15 of my fellow CAMFED Association sisters in baking.

Elizabeth-_Eliza_-1193230-Sec-Mpika-ZAM-10-Oct-2023_Catherine-Wood_IMG_0749 (1)


Elizabeth: Dreaming of a future without limits

Material and emotional support from CAMFED raised my aspirations and academic achievements. Now, I’m thriving in school and hope to study Medicine in future.



My joy as a Zambian Teacher is seeing girls thrive in education

As a Teacher Mentor in rural Zambia for more than 12 years, I’m so happy when I see girls coming to school and being educated.…

Thank you to our generous recent donors

Together we are breaking the cycle of poverty


Pamela Edwards $13

Tanya Canier $5.6

Mahek Tulsiani $16.1

Henry Delorey $31.9

Alexis Hacker $25

Kathleen Benedict $13

Sarah Daniels $5

Zoe Landers $26.6

Doinita Necoara $5.6

Catherine Griffith $52.9

Karin Bjornson $21.5

Sandra Graves $5.6

Angela Cloutier $15

Jill Davis $20

John Lister $21.4