
CAMFED - UN Global Climate Action Award | Narrated by Stella McCartney

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In 2013, CAMFED launched a breakthrough initiative to train young women from poor, marginalized farming communities across sub-Saharan Africa with support from the Mastercard Foundation and EARTH University. Through this training, these young women become Agriculture Guides – champions of sustainable agriculture. These young women have improved the productivity, sustainability and profitability of their own smallholdings as well as encouraged wide adoption of practical, affordable and locally-relevant climate-smart techniques. This includes inter-cropping and drip irrigation using waste plastic bottles and technologies that value Indigenous traditions.

As a result of this initiative, a movement of young women are now leading effective action on climate change through sustainable agriculture in rural Africa. Already, over 8,500 individuals, mostly women and young people, have been reached through demo-farms, community meetings and mentoring, and Agriculture Guides are continuing to reach young people in their communities to build their resilience to climate challenges. CAMFED aims to equip 50,000 more young women in rural Africa with climate-smart knowledge and skills over the next five years.

Thank you to our generous recent donors

Together we are breaking the cycle of poverty


Deborh Case $500

Aimee Miller $158

Lucinda Morrisey $158

Emily Reardon $1052

susan. J Feingold $26.6

Jacqueline Davis $158

Susan Strome $4000

Angela Thompson £80

Paul George $158

Benjamin Woodbridge $400

Jacquelyn Sullivan $1262

Lenore Denise Williams $3000

Jill Pask £124.9

Karen Mura $150

Tracy Melin $263