
Headwoman Kalima

Traditional Leader, Zambia

Headwoman Kalima is a farmer and traditional leader, overseeing the activities in her rural village in Zambia. She is actively involved in the local school, meeting with teachers, parents and other community members to discuss issues faced by students.

Education is a right for all and it is the first priority to success. A girl child is a pillar of a family and a mother of the Nation.

As a keen supporter of the CAMFED Association (CAMA), Headwoman Kalima encourages her community to embrace the benefits of having educated young women in their midst. She works with CAMFED Association members and together they conduct outreach with local families. This includes mentoring children and advocating for education as a means to overcome poverty and inequality. Headwoman Kalima is also an activist working to prevent child marriage and early pregnancy. She is pleased to see fewer occurrences in her community, knowing that more girls and young women will now go on to fulfil their potential, and perpetuate this virtuous cycle.

She is particularly proud of Alice Saisha, a CAMFED Association leader in the area, who has been internationally recognized for her achievements: “Working with Alice always gives me a smile of hope and I am very proud of her. She always uses her time and resources to mentor… girls and young women… as she is a living testimony of the power of education imparted in a girl child. She is role model, an inspirational leader, with a heart of always leading the change.”

Thank you to our generous recent donors

Together we are breaking the cycle of poverty


Laura Saunders £78.1

Erin Birmingham $58.2

Helen Harvey £26.2

Deborh Case $500

Aimee Miller $158

Lucinda Morrisey $158

Emily Reardon $1052

susan. J Feingold $26.6

Jacqueline Davis $158

Susan Strome $4000

Angela Thompson £80

Paul George $158

Benjamin Woodbridge $400

Jacquelyn Sullivan $1262

Lenore Denise Williams $3000