

CAMFED Association member, Zambia


Meet Edith, a former CAMFED scholar who lives in Mpika, Zambia, along with her mother.

Edith received CAMFED support during secondary school, graduating in 2005. After graduation, she joined the CAMFED Association (CAMA) – the peer-support network of female leaders, educated with CAMFED support.

Through the CAMFED Association, Edith was able to receive a modest grant to help start her own business raising and selling goats. The CAMFED Association also provided her with opportunities to learn about how to become a successful entrepreneur. With her profits she expanded her business to include selling maize and even opened a small hair salon.

Look at what my daughter has done because of CAMFED! She brought me from a small thatched house to this one!

And Edith hasn’t stopped dreaming! She hopes to earn enough profits through her businesses to attend college and become a math teacher. Through her role in the CAMFED Association, she continues to have a positive impact on other young girls working hard for their own dreams.

Through philanthropy and mentoring, CAMFED Association members like Edith continue to help girls who are still in school overcome their challenges and take pride in their stories.

With training and grants, young women multiply their profit and impact on their families. This is Jenny, who has used her business profits to support her son, mother, three nieces and nephews, and even herself to go back to school. (Photo: CAMFED)

Annie and her husband now generate enough profit to take care of their nephew and three adopted girls. Annie says, “I was on a CAMFED Association Community Health program when I heard the stories of these girls. They touched me so much and reminded me of my own childhood.” (Photo: CAMFED)

Thank you to our generous recent donors

Together we are breaking the cycle of poverty


Enrique Loy $235

Katherine Baxter $19.3

Martha Garcia $5.6

Hannah Parker £520

Catherine Appiah $5.6

Bonnie Riggins $10.9

Michael Higgins $13

Dana Abraham $26.6

Cheryl Johnson $5.6

Amy Casciano $10.9

Stacey Kirsch $10.9

joyce Davidson $16.1

Jigar Asar $700


Meghan Rusco $3.5