
Zvinotendesa (Zvino) L Mapetere has committed his life’s work to serving others, both through his career in education and his passion for community development. He is Executive Head of Chartered Accountancy Academy – Business School (CBS), Zimbabwe, and has keen interest in executive education.

Zvino is involved in steering The Murerezi Community Development Trust (MCDT), a self-funded rural community trust focused on the development of schools, water sources, and agriculture. He is also a Trustee for the Latter Rain Mission Trust, created to support church outreach activities, including ensuring the welfare of church elders and providing university fees for disadvantaged students.

As a trainer of Chartered Accountants, Zvino leads on lecturing, examining and action-learning. He is a Registered Assessor with the Institute of Chartered Accountants (ICAZ) as well as being an examination marker for both the ICAZ and the South Africa Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA).

Zvino is a qualified Chartered Accountant and is completing a Masters’ degree specializing in Strategy with the Edinburgh Business School.

Thank you to our generous recent donors

Together we are breaking the cycle of poverty


Jeremy Blain £57.4

Geoffrey Acaye £47

Sara Mikael $106

Denae Whaley $20

David C Murray $3783

Trenay Hoye $10.9

Caroline Fenton £100

Victor Mesny $500

Niko Gomes $316

Katja Guenther $263

Ryan Gallagher $526

Catherine Packer $316

Caitlin Guthinger $526

Julia Colingsworth $14

Phuc Tran $350