Thanks to your generosity, we can reach 100,000 at-risk girls!

In November 2021 we launched our Open Doors Appeal, with the aim of reaching 50,000 girls at risk of permanently dropping out of school. This was an ambitious aim. Yet after a month we were stretching our target to 70,000, and as always, you amazed us.

Together, we have smashed both our targets, and raised the funds for double the number of girls we had originally hoped to reach!

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A thank you from Lydia Wilbard, National Director, CAMFED Tanzania

We are so grateful to supporters like you who help us unlock the potential of girls across sub-Saharan Africa. You stepped up in this moment of crisis with urgency and compassion. Together we can ensure that during these challenging times, girls are on a trajectory to living a life of independence and resilience.

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Give just $10 to reach a girl who is at risk right now!

Our Learner Guides use their unique understanding and the trust they have earned to work with rural schools, communities and district governments to keep vulnerable girls safe and learning.

Secondary student Faith from Zambia with Learner Guide Alice

CAMFED Learner Guides are:

…“big sisters,” friends, and relatable role models for vulnerable girls – their successes and status show girls a future full of possibility if they stay in school and concentrate on their studies.
…“first responders,” noticing if a girl’s attendance becomes erratic, and following up with children displaying early warning signs before they drop out of school.
…voices for “invisible” children, who may never have made it into the school system in the first place. Learner Guides work with others to help girls overcome the challenges that keep them out of school.

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Meet Dotto

a CAMFED Learner Guide from Tanzania.

Dotto, supported through school by CAMFED, has experienced first-hand the barriers to education for girls in her community. Now she is a mentor and role model for girls in her local school; someone they can confide in, and who knows how to tackle the issues they face.

Learner Guides like Dotto support children in their studies and their self-development, providing them with the skills and confidence to create a better world for themselves and their communities.

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Donate now to train more young women like Dotto.

Your support is needed now, more than ever

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and resulting economic crisis continues to close classroom doors on millions of girls in sub-Saharan Africa, risking their permanent exclusion from education, trapping generations in a vicious cycle of poverty.

Keep the door to school open during the pandemic, and each girl you help can open many more in her future — doors to higher education, to her own business, to council meeting rooms and even government chambers.

Donate from $10 today to reach a girl at risk!

Thank you to our generous recent donors

Together we are breaking the cycle of poverty


Margaret Monaghan $10.9

Helen Lea $157

Julia Thompson $100

Joan Goldfeder $211

Bonnie Riggins $10.9

Michael Higgins $13

Cheryl Johnson $5.6

Amy Casciano $10.9

Valerie Turner £40

joyce Davidson $16.1


Markus Rockström €37.2

Chiara Starvaggi Cucuzza €37.2

Bonnie Hollrah $52.9

Karen Thomas $158