
Faiza, Secondary Student, Ghana - Video Transcript

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Faiza, Secondary Student, Ghana In the future, when I finish school, I want to be a journalist.

I’m Faiza, I’m from Tamale Metro in Ghana. I live with my mom, my dad, my siblings, and some members of my extended family in our family house.

The first time I heard about CAMFED was from my sister. Fortunately, from when I came to Senior High School, one of the Teacher Mentors of CAMFED came round and gave us the forms and fortunately for me I was chosen as a beneficiary. I was really excited!

When I first received the bursary items from CAMFED, which consisted of books, a bag and groceries, I was very happy because I felt like a heavy load had been lifted off my parents’ shoulders. And it also gave me the motivation to learn hard and become a better person in future.

My role models are Anita Akuffo, Natalie Fort and Faiza Mohammed. These are female journalists who work for the top TV stations in Ghana.

I’ve been part of several sessions of My Better World – a life training skill program designed for students. And through these sessions, I have learned to be strong enough to stand alone, smart enough to know when I need help and brave enough to ask for it.

Thank you to our generous recent donors

Together we are breaking the cycle of poverty


Victoria Liakos $5.6

Alexi Culbertson $421

Laureen Peters ₣63.3

Deena Alshatti £52.2

Bruce Lieberman $47.6

Stephanie Moore $5.6

Sahand Zp £21

Robin Kimbrough-Dibble $14

Grace Hoel $20

Rhys Chua $31.9

Diane and David Young $42

Yuni Choi $1161

Joan Murphy £500

Rimi Haque $62.8

Acour Sxifu £13.8