
CAMFED Association nurse safely delivers baby at roadside

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Girls' education saves lives in so many ways

Nurse Juliana springs into action to save lives

Juliana Atanga, a nurse in the North East region of Ghana and member of our CAMFED Association of women leaders educated with CAMFED support, sprung into action while traveling on a bus, when a fellow passenger’s waters broke by the roadside.

In spite of not having been trained as a midwife, she used her medical knowledge to quickly assess the situation, rally other passengers to assist, and delivered a baby at the side of the road, unblocking its air passages and ensuring both mother and baby were safe.  Students from the Nalerigu Nursing Training Colleague and other passengers had all jumped in to help with tools, soap, clothes and other supplies for mother and baby.


When you educate a girl, you're a life-saver

Nurse Juliana’s story is another reminder of how girls’ education saves lives in so many ways – by lifting young women and their families out of poverty, cutting malnutrition and disease, and through the Multiplier Effect, as educated young women use their knowledge and skills to help thousands of others to live healthy, independent lives.

The courage and expertise displayed by nurse Juliana and her fellow passengers on July 13, 2022 was celebrated at her place of work and on social media, including by her sisters in the CAMFED Association, like Angeline Murimirwa, CAMFED’s Executive Director – Africa who said, “This is why we invest in education.” 

An interview with Juliana was was also featured on Ghana’s Broadcasting Corporation.

Read how nurse Juliana delivered a baby by a bus
“Though I felt I could have failed and something terrible could have happened, I was pushed by my confidence and the knowledge I have acquired from school and at my workplace...and the fact that I was a staff nurse in the bus. So I did it and I am so glad.”
Juliana Atanga speaking to Ghana Broadcasting Corporation

Meet our CAMFED Association sisters excelling in healthcare and medicine

These young women who have overcome adversity are plowing back the benefits of their education into the health of their communities




Because I am a CAMFED Association member, I believe in the power of giving back to my society. The day I delivered a baby on the roadside, I was motivated to help her deliver safely because of my love for rural women and children.




I can be that doctor who attends to patients holistically. I can understand them and become their friend. It’s something that takes time, but it can happen. I want to be that amazing doctor.




I’m Tendai from Zimbabwe. I struggled with ill-health during my childhood, which sparked my dream of becoming a medical doctor and caring for people in my rural community.




I chose to study Nursing and Midwifery at Kamuzu University of Health Sciences because I want a career where I will be able to serve human needs. A career in health means I will be able to help save people’s lives. 

Thank you to our generous recent donors

Together we are breaking the cycle of poverty


Michael Gotthelf $1000

Derek Moore £250

Lisa Goretsas $500


David Encisco $158

Mary Kirton $158

Mary-B Hall $526

Anne Krentz & James R Organ $2500

Allison Scribner $158

Sandra Spence $799

Elaine Smith Smith $26.6

Margaret Spence $3500

Evan Smith $200

Malcolm Colman £124.9

Miguel Armijo $26.6