Q&A : Why are so many girls at risk of child marriage?
With Prisca Kaoma, CAMFED Teacher Mentor
With Prisca Kaoma, CAMFED Teacher Mentor
Agnes Mmbaga, Teacher Mentor in Bagamoyo District, Tanzania.
Parent Support Group Chair, Tanzania
Secondary Scholar, Tanzania
By Mercy Kansale, Teacher Mentor in Zomba District, Malawi
Teacher Mentor, Malawi
Fiona Mavhinga, Executive Advisor for the CAMFED Association
By Lydia Wilbard, National Director of CAMFED Tanzania & Founder of the CAMFED Association of women leaders in Tanzania
Margaret Monaghan $10.9
Helen Lea $157
Julia Thompson $100
Joan Goldfeder $211
Bonnie Riggins $10.9
Michael Higgins $13
Cheryl Johnson $5.6
Amy Casciano $10.9
Valerie Turner £40
joyce Davidson $16.1
Markus Rockström €37.2
Chiara Starvaggi Cucuzza €37.2
Bonnie Hollrah $52.9
Karen Thomas $158