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In an exciting collaboration, Impact(Ed) International (formerly Discovery Learning Alliance) has adapted CAMFED’s My Better World life skills and wellbeing curriculum, developed with young women in Africa, into a part-animated video series for adolescents. The series follows the adventures of six African teenagers as they navigate the challenges of school, family and friendship. Their stories are interspersed with real stories, including of girls we currently support, like Philomena and Deborah from rural Tanzania, who serve as an inspiration to all of us in the love and support they have each other. This is a sneak preview of the series, which will be launched in partner schools in the near future.
Margaret Monaghan $10.9
Helen Lea $157
Julia Thompson $100
Joan Goldfeder $211
Bonnie Riggins $10.9
Michael Higgins $13
Cheryl Johnson $5.6
Amy Casciano $10.9
Valerie Turner £40
joyce Davidson $16.1
Markus Rockström €37.2
Chiara Starvaggi Cucuzza €37.2
Bonnie Hollrah $52.9
Karen Thomas $158