
Hi, I'm Joyce, an aspiring attorney from Zambia - Video Transcript

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Joyce, Secondary Student, Zambia Education My Power. I am a student at secondary school in Mwense district, Zambia. The superpowers that I’ve gained through education are firstly, education has given me the ability to stand in front of people and express myself as I am expected to. It has also given me dignity as a girl child.

Education has also given me the knowledge to adapt to new changes that are taking place in this world. I want to study law and become an attorney. As an attorney, I want to focus on protecting the rights of defendants.

I want to encourage my fellow girls there to put education first in everything that you are doing, because education is the only key to success that can be used to change this world. I also want to encourage you, my fellow girls, that without education you cannot be respected.

So dignity comes from education. So my fellow girls there, put education first and work on that. Let’s put our hands together and be educated. Thank you.

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