Be a game changer
A thank you from a real game changer!
You may remember Bertha from Ghana, once a CAMFED-supported student and now a doctor, who opened our appeal back in November 2022. To explain what your support means, Bertha has recorded this thank you message.
The impact of your generosity will be far reaching – ensuring thousands more young women secure their right to make their own life choices, earn stable incomes, and take action for more girls in their communities.
It’s not too late to join our community of game changers who are backing girls’ education across Africa. Make your contribution below.
What happens when you support a girl like Hilda to attend and thrive in school?
Girls educated with the support of people like you become women who advocate for the generations that follow.
They are role models, driving positive change at all levels in their communities.
Will you support the next generation of game changers?
Donate to our game changers appealThe most important message is that girls’ exclusion from education is solvable. We can do something in this generation to make the world a better place. All the goals we have - improved income for families, gender equality, social justice, climate action - can be achieved through education.Angeline Murimirwa, Executive Director - Africa, CAMFED
Be a game changer, support girls’ education
Educate a girl with CAMFED today, so that she can learn, thrive and join our movement of influential leaders.