
In the lead-up to International Women’s Day, join us for a networking event in Oxford, UK, as we celebrate women’s leadership whilst raising funds for CAMFED.

Join CAMFED Association Executive Advisor Fiona Mavhinga and a panel of women from diverse sectors discussing this year’s IWD theme of Accelerating Action.

Our hosts, Gardner Leader, have partnered with us to move the needle on women’s leadership, showing what happens when we support a global sisterhood.

Explore other ways to Accelerate Action the IWD


Become a partner

Discover the benefits for your business and transform engagement with your CSR strategy when you join CAMFED’s network of partners who are backing girls to complete school and become tomorrow’s entrepreneurs and leaders.

Thank you to our generous recent donors

Together we are breaking the cycle of poverty


Margaret Monaghan $10.9

Helen Lea $157

Julia Thompson $100

Joan Goldfeder $211

Bonnie Riggins $10.9

Michael Higgins $13

Cheryl Johnson $5.6

Amy Casciano $10.9

Valerie Turner £40

joyce Davidson $16.1


Markus Rockström €37.2

Chiara Starvaggi Cucuzza €37.2

Bonnie Hollrah $52.9

Karen Thomas $158