When she thrives, we all thrive
Together this giving season, we can make a difference that ripples outward to benefit everyone.
Text over moving imagery Measures to prevent COVID-19 led to months of school closures and disruptions globally. Millions more girls are at risk of never returning to school in sub-Saharan Africa. They join the 52 million girls who were already excluded from school. The risk associated with COVID-19 are not limited to the virus… When a girl is excluded from education she is powerless. Powerless in the face of hunger. Powerless over her own body. Powerless to break the cycle of poverty. She is invisible.
Or maybe she is just invisible to those who do not know where to look. What if there were young women in her community who can see and are ready to support her? Young women who understand that inclusion is power. Who know from experience what it means to be poor, hungry, at risk, excluded, invisible. Who know first hand the transformative power of education. Who can reach her and ensure that she returns to school. That’s us, and we are here.
We are the CAMFED Association and we are 178,000 members strong across 5 countries. We are determined to pass on the benefits of our education. We are reaching out to the most invisible girls in our communities. But we need your help. Our communities often lack access to electricity and the internet, making distance learning difficult.
TOGETHER, with your support, we can bridge the information gap and provide effective outreach to our communities. We can work with teachers and communities to prevent abuse, neglect and child marriage. We can provide critical resources, essential supplies and food to vulnerable children. We can train and equip young women as para-educators to deliver remote learning resources.
Aimee Turner $209
Simon Hoverstadt £250
Hugh Constant $10
Anaya Pouget £400
Jacquetta Devine $10.9
Lola Damstra €11
Victoria Liakos $5.6
Alexi Culbertson $421
Laureen Peters ₣63.3
Deena Alshatti £52.2
Bruce Lieberman $47.6
Stephanie Moore $5.6
Sahand Zp £21
Robin Kimbrough-Dibble $14
Grace Hoel $20