
Video: Angeline Murimirwa's epiphany when launching the CAMFED Association

United Kingdom,  Zimbabwe


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Angeline (Angie) Murimirwa was one of the first girls supported through school by CAMFED in Zimbabwe and is now CAMFED’s Executive Director – Africa. In this talk she discusses her epiphany moment in 1998, when she met with 400 other young women who had been supported by CAMFED. They realized the power that they have together and created the CAMFED Association of women leaders (CAMA), which is now spearheading CAMFED’s programs and leading the charge for girls’ education across sub-Saharan Africa.

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Donald Bartlett $211

Sherrie Albrecht $211

Jefferson Osborn $106

Jade Laine $52.4

Miguel Armijo $31.9

Beth Ryer $316

Justin Teague $211

Linda Siperstein $150

Alan Smith $100

Stephen Kevan $2500

mae cirrito $100

Paul Schwartz $158

Jefferson Osborn $158

Anthony Brooks £50

Gary Althoff $100