
A message from CAMFED's Angeline Murimirwa at TED2023 - Video Transcript

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Angeline (Angie) Murimirwa, CAMFED CEO I’ve just come across my face on the wall at TED Vancouver, amongst amazing speakers, different people who are doing different stuff to make this world a better place.

So I’m excited to be here, I’m honored, and yes super surprised to find myself amongst all of them.

I’m so excited to be here on behalf of my sisters, CAMFED Association members across the globe, and, take note, we are more than a quarter of a million now, so we’re super proud and we just want to say thank you to our partners and members of our global Sisterhood for your support, because without that, we wouldn’t be here. So, thank you, thank you, thank you!

Please take note, sisterhood goes beyond gender, it is about rising by lifting others, and it is for everybody who believes in creating equity and opportunity through girls’ education. So please, welcome, come join us! As we say and believe at CAMFED, pamoja tunaweza! Together, we can!

Thank you to our generous recent donors

Together we are breaking the cycle of poverty


Aimee Turner $209

Simon Hoverstadt £250

Hugh Constant $10

Anaya Pouget £400

Jacquetta Devine $10.9

Lola Damstra €11

Victoria Liakos $5.6

Alexi Culbertson $421

Laureen Peters ₣63.3

Deena Alshatti £52.2

Bruce Lieberman $47.6

Stephanie Moore $5.6

Sahand Zp £21

Robin Kimbrough-Dibble $14

Grace Hoel $20